

李重德  2023/11/11





唯一的例外是南韓,本會「大韓民國聯絡小組」尚未成立,但是本月28日即將迎來了「慶尚南道信用保證基金會」,這個過程是很離奇,因此 重德 特將最近三天之內與該來訪單位的通信內容與準備工作公開分享給大家:

2023/11/7 16:38 重德在高雄市中小企業協會群組中貼文如下:


7th Nov. 2023

Subject:We have communicated verbally with all visiting units and inviting units today.

To: The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation, South Korea

Dear Sir (Attn: Shasilia Lee),

Thank you for your letter yesterday to inform us that you are satisfied with the reception arrangements we have made for you on the 28th of this month. Therefore, we have communicated verbally with all visiting units and inviting units today. In principle, all no problem.

The visiting unit has reserved the venue and staff to serve you. The inviting unit will send supervisors stationed in the Kaohsiung area to attend.

However, they all requested that the association issue a formal document to determine the itinerary and discuss the topics. Therefore, we will issue a formal notice to them before tomorrow morning, so this time cannot be changed.

Secondly, you hope that our senior adviser Chen Ruihong and Kaohsiung City Councilor Lin Zhihong can attend the discussion. They have also stated that they will participate in the discussion as much as possible.

I-Shou University said that after the morning meeting, they will treat you to a simple lunch at the nearby affiliated company “Tianyue Hotel”, but because they will have classes in the afternoon, lunch will be before 13:20 end. Several cadres from our association also participated in the luncheon and had exchanges with each other.

In order to bring preliminary results to our exchanges, I suggest that before lunch that day, the three parties (you, us and I-Shou University) sign a “letter of intent to jointly build a Taiwan-Korea knowledge and business exchange and cooperation platform”.

Of course, this is just a memorandum expressing intention to cooperate. I will draft the Chinese and English versions first and send them to you for confirmation. Then I will ask you to translate them into the Korean version. Finally, the Chinese, English and Korean versions will be listed on one page to sign. What are your thoughts on this proposal?

In addition, if there is no response from your attempts to visit the Economic Development Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, we can ask them to send officials to attend our morning meeting. But please let us know as early as possible.

In addition, if your schedule is not well arranged in the afternoon of our meeting, we are willing to extend the day’s activities to the afternoon, and we will take you to Pingtung, which is half an hour’s drive away, to visit Pingtung Agricultural Science and Technology Park. There are three high-tech companies in the park, but please inform me in advance so that I can contact the park management unit and manufacturers.

Best regards,


The chairman of the Kaohsiung City Association of Small and Medium Enterprises.





敬啟者:(聯絡人:Shasilia Lee)












2023/11/9 8:48 重德在高雄市中小企業協會群組中貼文如下:


8th Nov. 2023

Subject:We are already communicating with these manufacturers about our visit to the “Pingtung Agricultural Science and Technology Park” after 1:00 pm on the 28th.


To: The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation, South Korea

Dear Sir (Attn: Shasilia Lee),

I just got home today from a full day meeting at the Net Zero Sustainability Critical Action Forum.

Let me first answer the two questions you raised in your letter today:

  1. We are already communicating with these manufacturers about our visit to the “Pingtung Agricultural Science and Technology Park” after 1:00 pm on the 28th. There is no problem at all because the Association maintains a good relationship with these manufacturers.

However, in order to respect the management unit of the park, the Association will formally issue an official document to the management unit of the park tomorrow.

But regardless of the response from the management unit, we can always visit the manufacturer we have agreed on.

If you decide to visit Pingtung on the afternoon of the 28th, we will extend the lunch time, so we will change the original simple meal into a banquet meal.

Then we can also stop by to see the two teaching hospitals affiliated with “I-Shou University” because they are located at the intersection and we would have passed there.

We will get off the bus in front of the hospital to take photos and exchange business cards with the staff of the International Cooperation Office of the hospital. This will be very helpful for you to promote the sister-school relationship between ” I-Shou University” and “Inje University” after returning to Korea.

2.Of course, we will send you the ” Letter of Intent to Jointly Build a Platform for Exchange and Cooperation of Knowledge and Business Flow between Taiwan and South Korea” in advance for internal review 10 days before your departure.

Since you and we are both business groups, there is no problem for us to sign this letter of intent.

However, considering that “I-Shou University” is an educational organization, there may be some difficulties in implementation in the future, so we tentatively decided that the ” Letter of Intent to Jointly Build a Platform for Exchange and Cooperation of Knowledge and Business Flow between Taiwan and South Korea” will be issued by the “Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation” and the “Kaohsiung City Small and Medium Enterprises Association” are the two signatories, and “I-Shou University” is the witness unit of the “Letter of Intent to Jointly Build a Platform for Exchange and Cooperation of Knowledge and Business Flow between Taiwan and South Korea”.

Secondly, the association has drafted the list of officers who will attend the ceremony when signing the “Letter of Intent to Jointly Build a Platform for Exchange and Cooperation of Knowledge and Business Flow between Taiwan and South Korea” as follows:

  1. Mr. Lee, Chung-Te, Chairman of the Association.
  2. Mr. Ling, Tzer-Yun, Vice Chairman of the Association.
  3. Dr. Huang, Chien-Fu, Supervisor of the Association.
  4. Dr. Chen, Rui-Hong, senior consultant of the Association, head of Baoan Technology Company, and former consultant to the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  5. Mr. Harry Liang, senior consultant of the association, former president of the British Taiwanese Business Association.
  6. Mr. Jiang, Quan-Han, senior consultant of the association, director general of Kaohsiung Economic and Trade Park Development Association (note: there are more than a dozen stock listed companies within the association).

In addition, Kaohsiung City Councilor Lin, Zhi-Hong and Director of the Kaohsiung Office of the Foreign Trade Association Chang, Shih-Chang may come to watch the ceremony and have a meal.

Third point, if you determine that you need us to arrange for you to contact officials from the Economic Development Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government, please inform us immediately so that the Association will issue an official document tomorrow asking the Bureau to send officials to attend the 8:30-10:30 meeting on the 28th..

Next, I would like to take this opportunity to report to you the contents of my personal career that may develop greater economic cooperation with South Korea in the future, as a personal background information before your trip.

Before I talk about the content of this business, I must first talk about its historical background, that is:

Because the Taiwan government has made an international commitment that Taiwan will achieve the environmental protection goal of “carbon neutrality” by 2030 and the environmental protection goal of “net zero emissions” by 2050.

Therefore, Kaohsiung City must reduce greenhouse gas emissions or purchase carbon rights in a very short period of time to achieve the target of reducing emissions of 50 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, while Taiwan as a whole must reduce emissions of 275 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.

And since the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) has been launched in October this year (2023), the Taiwan government will levy a “Carbon Fee” of NT$500 per ton of carbon emissions from companies starting in 2024. Moreover, by 2030, the carbon emissions levy fee will be as high as NT$3,000 per ton.

Moreover, Taiwan is the first country in the world to levy a “Carbon Fee”, while the other 35 countries only levy a “Carbon Tax”.

Since this is a newly created tax system in Taiwan, the Taiwan government must conduct a lot of communication with the people to seek their support, which is why today’s “Net Zero Sustainability Key Action Forum” meeting was held.

Why should I tell you this information? This is because I personally will be an important private executor in Taiwan’s carbon emission reduction in the future, because I will use the carbon sequestration technology of sea-cultured green algae I invented to implement Taiwan’s task of reducing 200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year.

In other words, in the future, the annual benefits of our “carbon rights obtained from carbon sequestration and emission reduction” project alone may be as high as NT$600 billion. This does not include the benefits of algae food, algae oil, algae medicine, algae hydrogen, etc.

However, our investment is also considerable. It is estimated that we will have to invest NT$100 trillion in 20 years from 2030, which is equivalent to NT$5 trillion per year.

Therefore, at present, the project does not have the economic benefits of independent investment, so we are still researching and developing the side benefits of adding various ocean energy power generation, artificial reefs, etc.

Since the Korean government has also made an international commitment to achieve the goal of “net-zero emissions” by 2050, I believe that South Korea will definitely need me to invest in the carbon sequestration business of marine green algae in Korean waters, so I will take this opportunity to advance let you know.

The above is my simple career background information, please refer to it and give me advice.

Best regards,


The chairman of the Kaohsiung City Association of Small and Medium Enterprises.





敬啟者:(聯絡人:Shasilia Lee)




義守大學 仁濟大學




  1. 本會理事長李重德先生。
  2. 本會副理事長凌哲雲先生。
  3. 本會監事黃建富博士。
  4. 本會高級顧問陳瑞宏博士,堡安科技公司負責人,前經濟部顧問先生。
  5. 本會高級顧問梁秋生先生,前英國臺商協會會長。
  6. 本會高級顧問蔣權翰先生,高雄經貿園區發展協會總幹事(附註:該協會內部有十幾家股票上市公司)。




由於臺灣政府已經向國際承諾臺灣將在2030年達到「碳中和」(carbon neutrality)的環境保護目標,並將會在2050年達到「淨零排放」(net zero emissions)的環境保護目標。


而且由於「歐盟碳邊境調整機制」(CBAM)已在今年(2023)10月上路,所以臺灣政府將從2024年起向企業徵收「碳費」(Carbon Fee)每噸碳排新台幣500元,到2030年時每噸碳排徵收3,000元新台幣。而且,臺灣是全球第一個徵收「碳費」(Carbon Fee)的國家,其他35個國家只是徵收「碳稅」(Carbon Tax)。










2023/11/9 8:49  重德 在高雄市中小企業協會群組中貼文如下:


 9th Nov. 2023

Subject:I will try to prepare a first draft of the memorandum within today and send it to the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation for internal review.

To: The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation, South Korea

Dear Sir (Attn: Shasilia Lee),

First of all, thank you for writing to me in the middle of the night to inform me of your concerns. Then, I also provide some of my understanding as follows:

  1. We usually need to give a certain meaning to our actions, so that we will have reasons and motivation to do these things. I think you will not object to my statement.

Because our association is neither a consulting agency nor a travel service organization for foreign countries, many of the visits of foreign organization personnel that our association has received in the past were arranged by organizations with which we have established relationships.

This relationship usually refers to a formal “alliance” relationship signed by both parties. They include: Xiamen General Chamber of Commerce, Fuzhou General Chamber of Commerce, Fujian General Chamber of Commerce, Nanchang General Chamber of Commerce, Jiangxi Provincial General Chamber of Commerce, Jingdezhen City General Chamber of Commerce, Hangzhou General Chamber of Commerce, Zhejiang General Chamber of Commerce, Zhejiang Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises….etc.

The initiators of these covenants are all officials from mainland China, because the personnel of these organizations that use the name “General Chamber of Commerce” externally are civil servants in mainland China, and the official name they use domestically is “Confederation of Industry and Commerce.”

The Association is the only unit in Taiwan that has been invited to form an alliance so far. This was specially approved by China’s State Council in 2006.

Therefore, on the front of my business card is a photo of my speech when Mainland China invited us to Xiamen in 2006 to form an alliance with the Xiamen General Chamber of Commerce.

The text on the back of my business card states that the association I chaired at that time hosted more than 1,000 cross-strait companies in Taiwan and mainland China at the same time and created numerous “firsts on both sides of the strait” records.

In addition, other organizations that have not signed a formal alliance with this association but have “quasi-alliances” include: Beijing General Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce, Tianjin General Chamber of Commerce, Chongqing General Chamber of Commerce, Shandong Provincial General Chamber of Commerce, and Shaanxi Provincial General Chamber of Commerce. Chamber of Commerce, Yunnan General Chamber of Commerce, Hunan General Chamber of Commerce, Hubei Provincial General Chamber of Commerce, Changsha General Chamber of Commerce, Wuhan General Chamber of Commerce, Datong General Chamber of Commerce, Jinan General Chamber of Commerce, Shijiazhuang General Chamber of Commerce…etc.

These general chambers of commerce that have “quasi-alliances” with our association will usually provide necessary assistance to our cadres when they visit the local area. Similarly, our association will also provide necessary assistance to its cadres when they come to Taiwan for inspections.

That’s why we dare to claim to be “the number one on both sides of the Taiwan Strait”.

Of course, the funds for various general chambers of commerce in mainland China to host our association are all paid by the public. However, the expenses for setting up liaison offices in more than a dozen places in mainland China and the funds for hosting various provinces and cities in mainland China to visit Taiwan are paid every year, the amount is tens of millions of New Taiwan dollars, all paid by me personally, not by this association.

Currently, due to the “quasi-war” situation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, our association has cut off all contacts and services with mainland China since 2018. Therefore, I have not been to mainland China since March 2018.


  1. Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation is the first South Korean organization that this association came into contact with. This association hopes to establish a long-term relationship between the two parties through this visit of Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation and further promote the relationship between Taiwan and South Korea. It includes industrial, commercial and other multi-faceted cooperation, so it is proposed that both parties sign a memorandum together.

Of course, this memorandum is not a formal legal document. The main content is the attitude of both parties towards strengthening contact and cooperation. The purpose is that both parties can use this memorandum to promote further strengthening of relations between the two parties in the future and promote other units come and participate in the exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and South Korea created by each other.

I will try to prepare a first draft of the memorandum within today and send it to the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation for internal review.

Because we realize that the visitor is a civil servant, we will indeed be disappointed even if the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation does not intend to sign the memorandum, but this will not affect our enthusiasm for hosting the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation and the substantive arrangements.

We just regret that we cannot use the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation’s visit to our association to create opportunities for all members to establish long-term relationships with Korean industry and commerce in the future.

Best regards,


The chairman of the Kaohsiung City Association of Small and Medium Enterprises.





敬啟者:(聯絡人:Shasilia Lee)










2.Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation是本會第一個接觸到的南韓機構,本會因為想透過這一次Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation的拜訪本會,而建立起雙方長期聯繫的關係,並進而推動臺灣韓國在包含工商業以及其他多面向的合作,所以才提議雙方共同簽訂一個備忘錄。


我將爭取在今日之內擬定該備忘錄的初稿,並送請Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation進行內部的審核。

因為我們認知到來訪人皆有公務員身分,因此縱然Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation不擬簽訂該備忘錄,我們確實會失望,但是這並不會影響我們接待Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation的熱誠以及實質性的安排

我們只是遺憾不能從Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation這一個拜訪本會的活動中為所有會員締造出未來與韓國工商業建立長期聯繫關係的契機。




2023/11/9 12:41  重德 發給義守大學之「備忘錄」內容如下:










簽署者甲方:慶尚南道信用保證基金會 (大韓民國) 代表人簽名:

簽署者乙方:高雄市中小企業協會 (臺灣) 代表人簽名:

見證者:義守大學 (臺灣) 代表人簽名:



Memorandum of Understanding


  1. The signatory of this memorandum, Party A, is the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation (in the Republic of Korea), and the signatory, Party B, is the Kaohsiung City Small and Medium Enterprises Association (in Taiwan). The signatories jointly invite I-Shou University (in Taiwan) to serve as a witness to this MOU.
  2. The background of the signing of this memorandum is that the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation organized officials to inspect related businesses in Taiwan, and the Kaohsiung City Small and Medium Enterprises Association was one of the units receiving and inspected. Both signatories deeply felt that the other party also believes that it is impossible to understand each other’s situation and completely let the other party understand their own situation in one visit.   Therefore, both signatories believe that there is a need for continuous contact with each other.   In order to achieve this goals of the mutual understanding, both signatories feel it necessary to sign this memorandum of understanding as a name for continued contact between the signatories.
  3. The purpose of signing this memorandum is to use the signatories’ roles as important promoters of local industrial and commercial development in their respective regions to promote the intellectual and commercial activities of the two regions that are allowed under the laws and regulations of both signatories. The communication and cooperation functions of business flow are planned to be built as a platform to increase the number of participants, so that the geographical scope of exchanges and cooperation of this platform will be expanded to all of Korea and Taiwan, and its project scope will be expanded to the scope of non-governmental exchange projects permitted by the laws of both signatories.
  4. The goal of signing this memorandum is to, through the joint efforts of both signatories in the future, when the time and various conditions are ripe, jointly build a network platform named [Korea and Taiwan Knowledge and Business Flow Exchange and Cooperation Center] that complies with the legal norms of both signatories and meets the national conditions of both signatories. And let this network platform gradually develop some various types of network sub-platform And let this network platform actually promote the alliance, exchanges and cooperation between counterpart units and complementary units in the region of both signatories.
  5. This memorandum does not require the signatories to provide any services to each other within a specific project. However, both signatories can make suggestions for exchanges and cooperation for any project, but all exchanges and cooperation suggestions should be made by the other party in accordance with their respective laws and regulations. Their respective positions and conditions determine whether to cooperate and participate, and they establish corresponding necessary contracts. In other words, the signatories do not have any obligation to cooperate with the other party.
  6. This Memorandum of Understanding shall take effect from the date of signature and has no termination period. However, if it is no longer possible to continue to implement this Memorandum due to legal and policy factors or actual circumstances, any of the signatories may provide a notice of termination of this Memorandum to the other party, and the Memorandum of Understanding shall terminate naturally. this memorandum.
  7. This memorandum is made in triplicate, with one copy each held by the signer Party A, the signer Party B and the witnesses.

Signatory Party A:

Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation (in the Republic of Korea)

Signature of Representative:

Signatory Party B:

Kaohsiung City Small and Medium Enterprises Association (in Taiwan)

Signature of Representative:


I-Shou University (in Taiwan)

Signature of representative:

Signing date: November 28, 2023

2023/11/9 21:51  重德 在高雄市中小企業協會群組中貼文如下:


重德在本月底要接待韓國信保基金,將會要求它們和高雄市中小企業協會簽署「諒解備忘錄」,但是因為他們是韓國的公務員,所以會有顧慮。重德 正在做解釋。



重德雖然還在研究雙方存有哪一些是可以發展出「臺韓聯手進軍全球」的事業,但是,重德 已告知他們說自己會在臺灣從2030年起開動每年投資達上兆元的「海上小球綠藻固碳養殖事業」。


2023/11/10 10:42 重德發給共同接待單位與出席人員內容如下:

2023/11/28來訪單位:慶尚南道信用保證基金會The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation,共六人並另自帶口譯員一人。 https://www.gnsinbo.or.kr/index.php

韓國信用擔保財團聯合會The Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundation(KOREG)是慶尚南道信用擔保財團的母公司。  https://www.koreg.or.kr/koreg_eng/main.do

據傳信人Shasilia Lee說2023/11/28來訪單位:慶尚南道信用保證基金會The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation的六人都具有韓國公務員的身分。

2023/11/10 15:51 重德發給慶尚南道信用保證基金會函內容如下:


10th Nov. 2023

Subject:If The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation cannot come to Kaohsiung City to meet with us as scheduled, please be sure to notify the association within this week.

To: The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation, South Korea

Dear Sir (Attn: Shasilia Lee),


Because the other units contacted by the association to jointly receive the visit of The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation and the government departments invited to attend the meeting are already in the process of working, some preparations for the reception and the assignment of attendees have been completed.

Therefore, if The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation cannot come to Kaohsiung City to meet with us as scheduled, please be sure to notify the association within this week so that I can have time to inform these partners, otherwise it will cause significant damage to the credit of the association.

I would like to inform you, thank you.

Best regards,


The chairman of the Kaohsiung City Association of Small and Medium Enterprises.





敬啟者:(聯絡人:Shasilia Lee)


因為本會所聯繫的其他共同接待The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation來訪的單位以及邀請出席會議的政府部門都已經在作業中,部分已經完成了接待準備以及出席人員的指派。

因此如果The Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation不能如期來到高雄市和我們會議,請一定要在本周內通知本會,好讓我還來得及告知這一些夥伴單位,否則將對本會的信用有重大損害。





2023/11/11 01:08  慶尚南道信用保證基金會發給重德函內容如下:


Dear Lee, Chung-Te,

We plan to participate in the schedule you have prepared for November 28th. I will contact you next week after receiving a response from the Gyeongnam Credit Guarantee Foundation regarding the MOU. Thank you for your efforts.

Best regards.

Shasilia Lee



我們計劃參加你們為 11 月 28 日準備的日程。收到慶南信用保證財團關於諒解備忘錄的回覆後,我將在下週與您聯繫。感謝你付出的努力。


Shasilia Lee



